Reader Question: Ever Been There?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Zane asks: Not really a question, but as you’re always talking about getting old cars and classics, I’m wondering if you ever been or have any experience with Duncan Imports & Classics:

Maybe you could work something out with them, review a JDM classic and steer people towards them, thus a win/win situation.
My reply: This joint is not far from me – about 45 minutes, as the Trans-Am flies. I haven’t been there, though – because I am weak willed when it comes to stuff like this and could easily get myself into trouble! They specialize in low mileage original stuff – which does it for me almost as much as a hot 22-year-old intern!
Have a look at this one, for instance.
Oh, lawsee! I would consider parting with body parts to take that one home!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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