Reader Rant: Anonymous Thanks!


Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my reply!

Anonymous asks: I would like to extend my thanks for your earlier input regarding the VW TDIs. I purchased a MK7 Golf TDI with a 6 speed manual gearbox. After removing the diesel particulate filter, the exhaust gas re-circulation system, the adBlue system, and the catalytic converter, I replaced the turbo charger with a larger one and flashed the ECU. Now it’s a very drivable, dirty diesel. I can’t give a fair assessment of the changes to the fuel mileage because I can’t keep my foot out of it. Again, thanks for the input. I’ll drop a little change in your box to help keep you going.

My reply: This one made my day, warmed my icy heart . . . Ich danke dir! Such acts of quiet defiance are precisely what’s needed at this moment in history. We are in essentially the same position as the Solidarity movement in Poland, when it was still part of the old Soviet Union.

I do my part by writing “dangerous and derogatory” articles – and driving cars not properly registered and inspected. My Trans-Am, additionally, hasn’t got catalytic converters – though it actually passed smog for a ’76 model year car the last time I ran it past the machine.

Anyhow, I am glad to hear about your VW – and here’s  hoping others hear – and respond similarly!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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