Reader Question: The Orange Man and “Sustainability”?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

John asks: Why doesn’t Donald Trump, since he made his MAGA promise, do something to stop these stupid mandates?

My reply: He is trying! For example, he has been fighting the imposition of the 50-plus MPG fuel economy (styled “emissions”) mandate fatwa’d by Obama’s EPA and being aggressively pushed for by California and several other leftish states. And he opted the U.S.out of the Paris Climate Change agreement. These are yuge achievements, unthinkable had she won.

But he is just one Orange Man against a horde of entrenched opponents.

He could, of course, issue some fatwas of his own – and maybe he ought to. But I think that would set another dangerous precedent which we’d likely regret once the OM is no longer the Decider.

It would be much better if the OM simply explained the situation in a press conference, then made the case that in a free country, no one should be forced to buy a 50 MPG car – or an electric car. Nor forced to subsidize 50 MPG cars or electric cars

That everyone ought to be free to buy whatever kind of car best suits their needs and budget – and the car industry left free to meet that demand.

I know some people who know some people – and have made this case for them to make to the OM.

Who knows? We never thought’d she’d lose… and that’s no small thing, either!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. Plus, the Deep State bureaucrats are slow walking Pres. Trump’s orders and instructions. For example, he revoked former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance months ago; you may remember the big to-do in the news about it. Guess what? It just came out that he still HAS it! Pres. Trump is up against that too.

    If Hillary had won, we’d be worse off. We’d likely be facing a $14,000 license plate fee to buy an ICEV vs. a free plate for an EV, which is is what they do in China. We’d still be ‘free’ to buy an ICEV, but it would be prohibitively expensive to do so.


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