Reader Question: Where’s the Beef?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

John asks: In your review of the Toyota 86 (here) you never explained why the Toyota is 500 pounds heavier. That’s a lot of dead weight. Is the Toyota’s body that much sturdier? Does it have a frame and two hydraulic bumpers that can take a 5 mph whack onto a concrete wall with no damage? 500 extra pounds ought to be more than ample to provide this – maybe even enough to survive 10 mph.

My reply: The Toyota/Subaru is a larger car, so that accounts for some of it. The structure of the car probably the rest – including he metal roof structure vs. the fabric structure of the Miata’s.

Still, I agree – it’s overweight for what it is. And it would be substantially quicker were it even a couple hundred pounds lighter.

On the upside, it does feel solid – and that’s worth something, too.

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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