Reader Question: Thoughts on ’80s-era K5 Chevy Blazers?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

David asks: What’s your opinion of the 1985 Chevy K5 Blazer? I would like a utility vehicle that has very little in the way of computer chips and technology and is easy to work on.

My reply: I think highly of the K5 Blazer! It fits your bill exactly. It has a rugged small-block Chevy V8 under its hood, either the 305 (5.0 liter) or the 350 (5.7 liter) version, with a four barrel carburetor and very basic computer controls. Repair and maintenance is simple and inexpensive. If you wanted to, you could eliminate the minimal computer controls it has – just run a non-computer Quadrajet four barrel (or stand-alone aftermarket TBI system).

The ’85 also offered a diesel, mechanical injection. And it came with an overdrive transmission – which means these things are highway friendly, like any modern car. Just simpler – and more fun!

The basic Blazer itself is essentially the same as the Blazers Chevy was selling in the ’70s, before any computer controls.

Here is a spec sheet you might find interesting.  K5 Blazer parts are also easy to locate.

These things are also rapidly appreciating in value – which is another sound reason to get one before they become unaffordable (as early Broncos and Toyota LandCrusiers already have become).

Keep us posted!

. . .

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  1. Blazer, pickup, and Suburban were all the same basic vehicle.

    Get one with the SM465 four speed manual and they are practically indestructible, barring rust and accidents.


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