Reader Question: Buyback VW?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Brian asks: I’m wondering what your opinion is on buying a manufacturer’s buy-back car.  I’m looking at a 2016 VW Jetta with a 1.8 turbo and a manual transmission with only 10k miles. They want $14k for it, which seems ike a good deal. It still has half a year of drive-in warranty left too. What do you think?

My reply: Well, a couple of things!

First, a new Jetta stickers for $18,745 – so you’d be saving about $5k (and not counting lower taxes/insurance on the ’16).

Second, you’d be getting the larger – and stronger 1.8 liter engine, which VW no longer sells in the new Jetta.

I’d want to know why the car was bought-back. Probably, you won’t be able to find out but a VIN records search might turn up something. It may have been bought-back under state Lemon Law provisions for a recurrent issue the dealer couldn’t fix. This could, however, be something very trivial. It might also be something more serious. But so long as it was fixed… .

I’d press the dealer for details. And then I’d press the dealer to toss in an comprehensive extended warranty as part of the deal.

And then I’d try to haggle the price down some as the car is almost four years old and even though the mileage is low, the quoted price – though fair – could be a little lower. I’d shoot for $13k and – assuming they add the warranty – snap that thing up!

. . .

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  1. I recall about 25 years ago some friends had diesel Jetta. I asked what the mileage was on it. He said “About 58”. And diesel was cheaper than gas back then.


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