Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 10/30/19


Here’s the audio of my chat earlier today with Bill Meyer over at KMED in Oregon!

KMED and EP 10-30-19     


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  1. There’s no doubt in my mind the lack of knobs and using a screen to do everything is causing a lot of accidents. I’ve driven pickups(no cars)that when I needed the a/c on or the radio, I just pulled over and tried to figure it out.

    One reason I really liked the Ram I drove recently was knobs to control the ventilation and to control the volume and station selector. I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to figure out how to figure the mileage I put on it or the mpg. I never did figure out how to link my phone to the stereo but I had my headset so that was no big deal. I only needed to turn the volume down with a knob when I used the headset. I understand other people wouldn’t want to spend $200 for a bluetooth headset but driving a truck with no infotainment center I have no choice.

    The wife and I watched a video yesterday about recycling and where a huge amount of it ends up going illegally and that’s Rwanda. They showed the recycling in Germany, one of the most polluting countries in that their own recycling costs a huge amount and they simple throw electronics into huge ovens that turn it into grunge that’s supposedly clean but the smokestacks are rolling huge amounts of all sorts of metals, most of them very bad for any living thing and those huge stacks operate 24/7. But even at that, huge quantities of illegally exported products go to Africa.

    The video begin to make me sick to my stomach seeing the land that was becoming nothing but a source of health problems.


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