Reader Question The Null VW?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ron asks: How many VW L1s have been made and sold so far, anywhere in the world? In what countries were they sold? How did the people like them?

My reply: I think you’re referring to the 80-100 MPG diesel-powered commuter car that VW was developing – but which was never actually sold to the public. It was supposed to have been sold to the public but the “emissions cheating” scandal put the kibosh on that.

The car will never be sold to the public.

This ought to generate a rictus of How dare you’s – not from Greta, but from the public. Which – because of Greta’s minders – has been denied what would have been an affordable to buy and nearly free to drive commuter car superior in every way to any electric car.


But that’s the point, you see.

The car had to be Greta’d because of the threat it posed – not to the environment but to electric cars, which really means the threat it posed to the electric car agenda – which is to de-mobilize the American driving public.

Nothing that works and which is affordable is to be allowed.

Because mobility – which is another way of saying freedom – must be denied.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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