AGW Hut! Hut! Huts Handcuffed Teenager


Here’s a video of a teenager Hut! Hut! Hutted! by armed government workers in Pinal County, AZ. The kid was attending a concert and had been drinking. AGWs over-reacted to this “disorderly conduct” with the now-routine “shock and awe” treatment – even after they had the kid in cuffs and in their AGW-mobile.

He was pepper-sprayed and beaten unconscious.

The tacticooled AGW –  who has more tats than the typical inmate of San Quentin – claims the kid “resisted,” per usual. And the kid’s friends were also Hut! Hut! Hutted! for taking video of the incident that doesn’t quite support the AGW’s claims.

The kid suffered permanent eye damage as the result of this violent beatdown – which left the interior of the AGW’s car covered in blood.

Just another Hut! Hut! Hut! 

By an AGW who – as an investigation has uncovered – has had serial “reprimands” and other slaps on the wrist for similarly abusive actions in the past.

None of which resulted in the revocation of his legal power to continue Hut! Hut! Hutting!

. . .

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  1. Certainly some respect should be shown both ways. The young man shouting insults is not the best way to handle being arrested! That said, the arresting officer should have ignored the insults as per his training. The beating, alleged tasering to unconsciousness was not called for in any context especially when the suspect was already handcuffed. . Arizona’s drinking age is 21. Therefore many other charges could have been applied to the incorrigible youth. Cops can find all sorts of charges if you piss them off enough,,, trust me.

    This is a result of poor training, poor judgement and poor hiring screening practices. Add the fact Cops are getting away with this around the country sort of incentivizes the overreach of authority.

  2. There’s no doubt AGWs have become militarized and many are nuts and therefore dangerous. My dad was a Detroit Suburbs cop in the 50s. He quit the force in the mid 60s because liberal politics made stupid policies that hurt good community enforcement. He taught me that to be a “real cop” is a calling – like ministry or medicine and you are obligated to honor men’s dignity and rights. “Be as nice as they let you be” as my local sheriff says.
    While I hate what the police have become, and moreso the Feds, I can tell you that if I’m pulled over I behave like what I am- a law-abiding, honorable gentleman. I speed a lot. I get tagged from time to time and have had many positive interactions with the officers who pulled me over. I try to win them over with kind words and humor. Recently I wasn’t paying attention and got pulled over by a super trooper. I said ” I saw you coming up fast with your blue lights on and I wondered to myself who the idiot is who was speeding…..It turns out the idiot was me!” He laughed and tool my ID and told me to sit tight. He returned and said with a chuckle he was giving me a warning- this time” Phew! I’ll bet if I acted like a cocky dick and shot my mouth off that would have turned out MUCH differently.

  3. This incident is from April 13, 2019 not yesterday.

    According to an interview he did with a Phoenix television station, Jones admitted he was drunk and yelled insults at deputies who were patrolling the campground. Jones was 19 at the time of the incident.
    Jones said it is his constitutional right to insult government employees.Clover

    He was being escorted out because he had already caught the attention of the police being drunk and starting shit somewhere else on the grounds. I guess he didn’t have a ticket either because I guess he lost it.
    I’m not defending what the police did here. But as I have said before, escalating police interactions and then claiming the police overreacted is the new way to pay for college. It’s pretty much implied here that he didn’t do nuffins. Yeah, he did something and so did the police. It’s in the court system. Ok, I’m outraged, give all the facts and I will pass judgement afterward.
    It’s sorry to say but these police overreaction claims seem to hit the MSM more than ever now. And I don’t think that’s it’s just because there are more cameras out there. I think there is an agenda here too because its’ what the media wants you to see. Hey, looketh over there stuff. Clover
    So this is only a claim to file a lawsuit. It’s not a lawsuit yet. I guess that it takes that long after an incident (9 months) to file a claim. I guess they waited 9 months to get him out of drug rehab and all cleaned up too. Because if you see what he looked like in the newspaper photo it’s hard to see him as the same “kid’.
    Ok, now come and get me!! Waste your time if you want to feel outraged instead of looking any deeper at what could be at play here. I’ll be back later,,,,,,,,maybe.

    • None of which excuses beating the bejesus out of a handcuffed person. You’re a sick and twisted person and a very good boot licker. I can only hope one day you do some resisting and I get to see the photos.

      • Hi Freedom,

        You should see some of the 24 “posts” of LW’s I’ve had to withhold. I suspect he – she? – is an AGW. I know he/she is not someone capable of debating principles – because he/she studiously evades ever acknowledging any. It’s always what he/she feels and believes… and if you think differently, then you’re “autistic” and many other things besides!

    • “Jones admitted he was drunk and yelled insults at deputies who were patrolling the campground. Jones was 19 at the time of the incident.” – which sets that the Pinal Deputy Sheriffs were responding under color of authority. His being drunk and yelling ‘insults’ did not justify being the object of gratuitous violence by deputy Carter.

      “Jones said it is his constitutional right to insult government employees”. The complaint alleges violation of Jones’ 1A rights to express his OPINIONS about the deputies in that their motive to both arrest and then use excessive and unwarranted force and inflict severe bodily injury was that they didn’t like what he said. And guess what, MORON? It IS indeed his ‘right’ to “insult” a “government employee”, even those with badges! Expressing displeasure, even being a drunken jerk about it, is at the heart of the First Amendment, or did you skip over the clause about “petitioning the Government for a redress of grievances? Expressing disdain of or dissatisfaction with the Government and/or its representatives is exactly the sort of “political” speech that the Founders intended to protect!

      ” drunk and starting shit somewhere else on the grounds. I guess he didn’t have a ticket either because I guess he lost it.” Now you’re just grasping for straws. I see no allegations of any “shit” that this kid “started” (i.e., picking fights with other concert patrons) or that he’d crashed the event. RU ANOTHER LIAR with a BADGE?

      “I’m not defending what the police did here.” Horseshit. That’s EXACTLY what you’re doing…this punk dared to shoot his mouth off at these precious “coppers”, and you’re all “butt-hurt” about it, and believe that he deserved not only to be arrested but also severely beaten in retaliation.

      “But as I have said before, escalating police interactions and then claiming the police overreacted is the new way to pay for college.” I doubt that this whole incident was some scam that the kid cooked up in order to put himself through Arizona State. He’s lucky after that beating to be able to read the chalkboard and to comprehend what any professor will lecture.

      ” Yeah, he did something”…yeah…he was a drunken, mouthy punk, whom was PEACEFULLY cuffed.

      “so did the police…” And if ALL the Pinal County Sheriff’s Department did was haul him to the drunk tank, have him sleep it off, then cite him for D&D, being a minor in a state of inebriation (IDK if they caught him with any booze in hand), and RELEASED him, there’d be damned little to discuss, wouldn’t there? Instead, they beat the living shit out of him, WITHOUT provocation or cause!

      “It’s sorry to say but these police overreaction claims seem to hit the MSM more than ever now”…until cell phones with video recording capability became wide spread, it was happenstance that egregious examples of police brutality were caught on video…it was the whole Rodney King thing in 1991 that fairly much started it, and that due to mere chance. Until then, the cops did as they pleased, and it was their word against the subject or witnesses, and their word ALWAYS prevailed, being PRESUMED to be the TRUTH. And WHOM will hold the cops accountable to the public if NOT the media?

      “I think there is an agenda here too because its’ what the media wants you to see.” The saying goes, “dog bites man, that’s not news…man bites dog, that IS ‘news’ “! Regardless of what you or I think the MSM “wants” us to “see”, the facts speak for themselves, ON CAMERA.

      “So this is only a claim to file a lawsuit. It’s not a lawsuit yet. I guess that it takes that long after an incident (9 months) to file a claim.” Yes, it does take that long to go through the claim process before a 42 USC 1983 incident can be filed in Federal court. If Pinal County fights this thing in the courts, expect that this kid, if he sees anything, will be THIRTY. More than likely it will be quietly settled, at the expense of the taxpayers, not the jerk with a badge whom already has quite a few “priors”…

      “I guess they waited 9 months to get him out of drug rehab and all cleaned up too. Because if you see what he looked like in the newspaper photo it’s hard to see him as the same “kid’”. More speculations and aspersions…you can go back to felating the officers now.

  4. Would this be the domestic force the former President (Frank Marshall Davis Jr. or Barry Sotoro) Obama was referring to in his first term? The domestic force that is just as well funded and equipped as the military? It sure looks like his evil seedling is sprouting despite the “Orange Man” being in office. The former East German Stazi would be proud!


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