Golden Shower Hut! Hut! Hut!


Just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse… it does. An armed government worker in Cleveland, Ohio, exposed himself to a 7th grader waiting for her school bus and then urinated on her after she refused a ride in his car.

He filmed the entire thing, too.

The AGW, Solomon Nhiwatiwa, was was charged with attempted kidnapping, pandering obscenity, disseminating material harmful to juveniles, assault, endangering children, child enticement, interfering with custody and public indecency. Here is local news coverage of the event: 

The Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office said that on Aug. 16, Nhiwatiwa, while off-duty, approached the girl near Euclid Avenue while she was waiting for the school bus. Nhiwatiwa asked the girl if she wanted a ride to school and after she refused, he drove away. Around a minute later, Nhiwatiwa parked his car, walked up to her, exposed his genitals and urinated on her while filming the incident with his cellphone. Afterward, he got back in his car and drove away.

According to the report, Nhiwatiwa urinated on the girl’s head, upper body and legs. When the girl asked him, “what his problem was?” Nhiwatiwa reportedly responded, “What’s your problem b*tch?” and then walked away while continuing to film her.

The seventh-grader called her mother on FaceTime and told her what had occurred and then walked home. The girl’s mother gathered the urine-soaked clothing, placed it in a plastic bag and went to the Euclid Police Department to make a report, authorities said. The mother said that a records room employee told her there were no available officers at the time to take a report, but she could wait if she wanted to. The mother was told that a one-hour wait time was probable. The mother and her daughter decided they would return to report the incident at a later time. She dropped her daughter off at school and returned to work, then later completed a written statement.

Last week, this creature was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison. 

This is the sort of creature walking around with a badge and a gun.

An interesting question raised by this and similar cases is whether every single person fined or convicted of a crime on the basis of such a creature’s “testimony” ought to have their fines refunded and charges dropped – on the basis of the established fact of the AGW’a untrustworthiness.

And much worse besides.

. . .

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  1. The Chinese not only invented gunpowder, ketchup and spaghetti, they have the perfect solution for people like this. They even return the bullet to the perp’s family (for a nominal charge).

  2. Eric,

    Thanks for providing these stories; it does get depressing reading through these things, day after day.

    I’ve always believed that sworn officers of all types should not be able to receive the full legal protections that are guaranteed in the Constitution, due to their privileged and VOLUNTARY position in our society. I think a separate system for LEO’s would be appropriate, one that holds them to a much higher standard of behavior than civilians (their term for non-AGWs). Something like the Uniform Military Code, or similar agreement where, in exchange for their badge, gun, and enormous amount of discretionary power, they agree to a reduced protections and go through a much different legal process. They are part of the inner circle of the criminal justice system and how can we expect prosecutors, judges, jailers, and jurors to ever prosecute, convict, and imprison AGWs with the same vigor as the rest of us? If I were a prosecutor, I would be hesitant to really hammer these guys, due to the enormous amount of power and information they have on everyone.
    Should not our LEOs be held to a higher standard? Since they are supposed to enforce the law, they must first know the law and should be the ones in our society who respect the law the most. It is high time to end the outdated and illegal system of Qualified Immunity, too. Allow ALL AGW actions to be subject to lawsuit and prosecution.
    I would like to see a set of mandatory minimum sanctions for actions involving use of their status as an LEO for a starting point. For example: any use of their police authority, equipment, or symbols to commit any criminal offense-misdemeanor and/or felony-should be punished harshly, to restore public trust. I would start with a first offense: Immediate unpaid suspension, public notice of the suspension, immediate incarceration pending a hearing, no bail, and a minimum sentence of at least 1 yr in prison per count of using their official office to commit a crime, in addition to sentence for the actual criminal offenses. Their due process protections should be reduced. A cop who commits crimes should be placed in a national database accessible by anyone and everyone in case some other jurisdiction tries to hire him/her later.

    This guy got of lucky. Prosecutors should be barred from offering a plea deal to AGWs. A prosecutor from another jurisdiction should be in charge of the case. This guy should also have been charged with making child porn! At least he was caught. What would the outcome have been if there was no video? Would they have even bothered doing a DNA test?

    I used to respect individual cops that did their best to police according to their conscience, no longer. Anyone who puts on that badge today is nothing more than an order taker. My usual quip to blind supporters of law enforcement is, “If it was not against the law to rape babies, police officers would rape babies.” Extreme, yes. But accurate. You dont see droves of cops resigning when their state or city pass laws that are immoral. Nope, they go along and enforce them. My hobby horse is civil asset forfeiture, or stealing, as we civilians call it. My state, Nebraska, finally eliminated it, but the state cops still try to get around it by involving the feds and using the feds’ asset sharing program where locals get 50% or more of the proceeds for assisting. As an example of immorality in uniform. Any one who puts that uniform on is, in my mind, is accepting the colors of a criminal threat group and everything for which it stands. When will we see police officers resign in shame when a fellow member acts in a depraved manner, and nothing is done about it? Never.
    Like one of my good friends always says, “People are cockroaches”
    Sorry for the rant.

    Keep the faith and keep exposing the truth.


  3. Eric,

    That story is a real pisser.

    But there remains one very important question you have left unanswered.

    Did he tell her it was raining?

    • Well you know the old saying “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” This guy is a particularly despicable tax feeder. I’m surprised he was actually prosecuted and imprisoned.

      Rank-and-file prisoners tend to deal with child molesters in their own special way. This guy may well get some street justice while in the joint if put in with the general population.

      By the way, has the listing of recent posts that normally appears on the right-hand side of the home page been sabotaged by the inisidious Agents of Goldstein? Doubleplusungood! Have tried with a couple of different computers and different web browsers with the same result. Makes it kind of a pain since that listing makes it easy to quickly scan what’s been going on.


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