Elk Grove AGW Caught Kicking Suspect in Head


Here’s video out of Elk Grove, CA of an armed government worker kicking a suspect in the head. Repeatedly. Leading to serous injury – and a serious bill for the taxpayers, who will (as always) pay the victim and his family for the harm caused by the AGW.

At least – for once – the AGW who decided to play futbol with the man’s head has been fired.

Elk Grove Gruppenfuhrer (ersatz “general) Timothy Albright says the AGW’s actions were “not within department policy.” He added, “We have to evaluate what was the level of resistance.”

As you can plainly see in the video, there was none.

Whatever the man who got kicked did, he wasn’t “resisting” and kicking a man in the head can kill or crippled for life.

Whatever the AGW ends up being charged with – assuming he is actually charged with anything – it won’t be the attempted murder he ought to be charged with.

Keep in mind, as Corona Fever sweeps the land – and mandatory Corona “checkpoints” – pop up across the land – that it’ll be AGWs like this one who’ll be manning and enforcing them.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

. . .

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  1. “that is not who we are”

    Yet none of the other badged thugs tried to intervene. So that is exactly who they are, all of them.

  2. https://youtu.be/4s4co4gLsJk Yall need to see this. What’s going on isn’t legal in any way. What happened to the 10th Amendment? Sergei was freaking out because nobody in the Flying J in Amarillo was freaking out or doing anything out of the ordinary. I guess when you’re Russian and live in Canda, you’re prone to eat more govt. shit and like it.


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