2020 VW Atlas Rant


Here’s one of the few large CUVs that doesn’t come with a small engine; it’s the last of the V6 Mohicans!

For 2020, WiFi’s standard, too. And if you like this look, now’s the time to shop – because VW will update the Atlas for 2021.

Assuming there’s still a VW come 2021.

. . .

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  1. Eric good video, but please try you reduce the “uhs” when narrating. I used to do the same when public speaking and was able to get rid of the habit with a focus on the pregnant pause of not saying anything while gathering my thoughts for the next few sentences. Please show the insides of the vehicle and under the hood, and underside if you can. A picture is worth a thousand words. My kids have taught me 3 or 4 minutes is about a max length that can be done to entice people into clicking on videos, so I try to make mine no longer. Keep up the great work, love your viewpoints and refreshing reviews of what’s out there.


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