Reader Question: Hot Rod Fiesta?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Tom asks: For many years I have dreamed of getting a Fiesta, restoring it and putting in a Cosworth engine in it.  I have had three Fiestas and they are a blast to drive. How do I find a good, reliable, honest, and reasonably priced place to do the work?

My reply: I have general and a specific suggestions for you. In general, the way to find a good shop in your area is by personal recommendation/word-of-mouth and trial and error. Ask friends, people you trust where they get their vehicles serviced. Often, a particular place will be mentioned by more than one of the people you ask. Now visit the place and speak with the guy behind the counter; what’s his attitude like? What does your gut tell you?

If it seems kopacetic, take your car there for something minor – like an oil/filter change and see how they treat you and your car. Green light? Go back. Yellow or red? Go somewhere else.

As to specifically . . . you will want a shop that knows Fiestas and does high-performance work. Or at least, does high-performance work on cars of that type. A good place to start looking would be to post on Ford/Fiesta enthusiast sites and ask them. Then check into the places they recommend. It may be necessary – but well worth it – to ship your project car to the right shop. And it may take some time to get it back. Good work isn’t rushed. And modifying a car correctly takes patience.

Your idea sounds fun, by the way. I am a big fan of the related Focus RS/ST. And I would love to own a Cosworth Vega. Yes, I know.

I am weird!

. . .

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  1. eric, we left college and a roommate went to the peace corp in Liberia. When he came back he bought a silver Cosworth Vega. That was a hell of a ride, hard to believe you were in a Vega.


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