Reader Question: Selling Off?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Darren asks: I have several motorcycles which I don’t ride much lately in part because of WuFlu lockdowns and also because the fun has gone out of it. I read your article about getting ready and wonder whether it might make sense to just sell them and use the money to do just that. Would like your thoughts on this. Thanks!

My reply: I’ve actually had similar thoughts. I’m uneasy about keeping my bikes because what use will they be in Diaper World? Rather, what use will they be to me, a Diaper Dissenter? I am worried it may soon be impossible to leave my house unless I Diaper and since I will not Diaper I haven’t got much use for the things which I use to leave my house.

Ad even leaving all of that aside, you can’t eat a classic motorcycle. It might make more sense to convert the bike’s worth into something perhaps worth much more – such as food. Or the means of obtaining it.

It is a very tough call – of a piece with deciding whether to sell one’s place and split for greener pastures – if they exist – while there is still time. I have been extremely reluctant to seriously consider doing this.

Which I may regret a few months from now.

Back to the bikes. There is one middle-ground solution that might be worth considering. If you sell a bike ad convert the money into metals… copper and brass, say. And composites (such as an AR, say) then you will have something of equal or even greater value that can be re-sold at some point, if you wanted to get your money back and get another bike… assuming Sickness Psychosis ever passes.

. . .

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  1. My one cat is a gray tabby I brought back from Peru. Son of Tiger is a former street cat who LOVES house cat life. My ex down there saw him in the park, started feeding him, and cared for him. I grew attached to him during my visits, and I brought him back. He’s a total big baby! Mitten, the senior I adopted, is a cute calico with calico sass. Being a senior, she sleeps more than Son of Tiger does. That said, she’s more demanding. She’s the one who wakes me up. She also cries for Fancy Feast broths, which I always have to keep on hand; I don’t DARE run out of it! There’d be hell to pay…

    So, how’s Fuzz doing? I have seen him in some of your videos, and it seems like he usually has something to say…

    • Eric,

      Can you delete these two posts? I replied to you down below, but it didn’t post. I posted again, and it WP put it up here. Thanks!

  2. I sold my fleet back in mid-late February. Even before the WuFlu nonsense, I wasn’t riding them much anymore. Where I once rode 10,000 miles a year, I was lucky if I was doing 500-1,000. It didn’t make sense-as in dollars and cents-to spend money on something I wasn’t using enough to justify the expense. I was also worried about some cager hitting me and putting me in the hospital! At 58, I get hurt a lot easier, and it takes a lot longer to recover; I didn’t want to risk it anymore. Plus, it’s a PITA suiting up, whereas I can just jump in my Focus and go if I want to have fun. Finally, I wanted to make sure I’ll be there to care for my cats, one of whom is a special needs cat. Anyway, I used part of the proceeds to buy some more storable food and got a new computer, something I use a lot more than I was using my bikes…

    • I like the way you think, MM. Same here. My overriding priority is to is to be here to take care of my animals and my mother. My geographically close sister checked-out this morning (We weren’t close)- other sister is far away and hasn’t even seen our mother in 19 years(!!!!)… I have to stay functional.

      I’d imagine prices on used bikes are going down, as a lot of people seem to be selling off (Including my friend in FL who recentlysold off 5 of his 6 bikes. I’d imagine prices are only going to continue to fall……

      • I didn’t get as much as I would’ve liked, but my little voice was SCREAMING at me to get rid of them. I haven’t checked the price of used bikes lately, so I don’t know what the bike market is doing. As you said though, I think the market for them is softening, as they’re a discretionary purchase; they’re not a necessity. Also, as I said above, I needed the money (both what they sold for as well as expenses like maintenance, insurance, etc.) for other things. Finally, I want to be there for my cats. They bring me much joy, and I love ’em to death. In addition to selling the bikes to free up cash, I started exercising more. My cats depend on me, so I need to do whatever I can to be there for them.

        • Hi Mark,

          I get the Cat Thing – as a fellow member of that club! I have four inside and three outside and have bought six months’ of food for them for just in case. I hope your guys are doing ok…

          • Eric, they’re doing fine; they wake me up between 4 and 5 AM every morning for breakfast! I don’t need the alarm clock anymore.

            The one cat is young, so he’s in good health. The other, a senior I adopted from the NYC shelter, has kidney disease. Thankfully, it’s only stage 2, so she’ll be around for years yet. My previous cat had that, so I’ve been there, done that.

            That reminds me; I need to buy more Miralax for the senior with FKD. Though I have a big box, I’ve used a few packets. Another 20 pack would give me enough.

            I need to buy more food for them too. I have about 2 months dry food on hand, but I need to get more. I need to get more canned food and treats too. Can’t let my masters do without now… 🙂

              • No, I have to give the FKD cat laxative twice a day. What I do is measure 5-6 ml of water; mix it with 1/8-1/4 teaspoon of Miralax powder; then inject the mixture down her throat via oral syringe. When cats have FKD, they don’t have enough water to soften their stool, hence the Miralax twice a day.

            • Excellent, Mark!

              Of my four inside, two are senior. One – the queen – is still kitten-like and very healthy despite her 14 years. I cannot stand to think of her ever not being so. Her name’s Beezy – and she is sitting to the left of my keyboard right now. Dude is my other older cat. He is very small and getting more so due to . . . kidney disease. But holding up well. My other two – Fuzz, you may have seen him in some of my videos – and Roll (who likes to) are hale and hearty middle-aged cats, like their servant.

              I built a little alpine-style chalet for the outside guys, a female calico and a male sort-of Siamese. I will write about all of them one day, if I ever get a break from writing about sickness psychosis… head bunts to all of yours!

              • My one cat is a gray tabby I brought back from Peru. Son of Tiger is a former street cat who LOVES house cat life. My ex down there saw him in the park, started feeding him, and cared for him. I grew attached to him during my visits, and I brought him back. He’s a total big baby! Mitten, the senior I adopted, is a cute calico with calico sass. Being a senior, she sleeps more than Son of Tiger does. That said, she’s more demanding. She’s the one who wakes me up. She also cries for Fancy Feast broths, which I always have to keep on hand; I don’t DARE run out of it! There’d be hell to pay…

                So, how’s Fuzz doing? I have seen him in some of your videos, and it seems like he usually has something to say…


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