Reader Question: Fiero Temptation?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

NA writes: In case you missed it

My reply: People can be cruel. This car is on my bucket list – and it’s in Ontario. I’m in Virginia. And Corona’d, financially – so the car is beyond my grasp. Got damn it. An original Indy Fiero pace car with the manual transmission and for the cost of a shitty used Corolla. As Dr. Smith from Lost in Space used to say… the pain, the pain.

If this WuFlu thing hadn’t come along and ruined pretty much everything, I’d be seriously trying to figure out a way to cage this thing and get it in my garage.

But WuFlu did ruin pretty much everything – and so I can do nothing.

Still, thanks for the pics!

. . .

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