Reader Question: Mazda 2.0 vs. Mazda 2.5?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Greg asks: What is your opinion of Mazda’s 2.0 vs 2.5l engine? Reviews on the 2.0 are hard to find.

My reply: The 2.0 engine is, obviously, smaller and not as powerful as the larger 2.5 liter engine. It is also a shorter-stroke engine (3.62 vs. 3.70) which generally means revvier rather than torquey. I personally like the non-turbo (and short stroke) 2.0 engine on account of its simpler layout and the usually favorable odds that a simpler engine costs less over time and costs less to maintain and lasts longer, too.

But neither engine has a bad reputation so I think it comes down to whether you prefer more – or less – power and prefer to pay more for it . . . .or not!

. . . .

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