Reader Question: Sequoia Replacement?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Karen asks: I’m considering buying a new car as my Sequoia is about done.  I’ve had it for twenty years and it has 216,000 miles on it.  I’m 68 very active but hate all this computer stuff, don’t even have a cell phone.  I want to pay cash and to donate old car to the veterans.  I’m basically a rural person; any ideas?

My reply: On the assumption that you want – and probably need – a vehicle that’s functionally similar to your Sequoia, I will recommend a 4Runner or its Lexus equivalent, the GX460. These are tough, capable and very reliable real-deal SUVs and – up to the current model year – largely free of what you don’t want or need; i.e., all the over-done “technology.”

Another recommend – that’s not as tough or capable but more versatile and very reliable – is the Honda Ridgeline. With AWD, these things will deal with most rural roads/snow, etc.

.  . .

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