A Summary Execution
It's very difficult to kill a convicted criminal sentenced to death. It often takes decades - viz, Ted Bundy - and the convicted is typically given every last chance his victim(s)...
Neighbor Lady Gets Hut! Hut! Hutted!
A nice old widow lives down the road for me. She has never in her 78 years been arrested - much less handcuffed - for anything. Until just the other day...
Some “Mighty Fine Police Work”
In a small town in New York, armed government workers cuffed and berated an 11-year-old girl who had done nothing more to warrant it than being dressed in clothes similar to...
Another Speeding Speeder-Chaser
Here's a video taken from inside a car driven by a speed limit enforcer who continues to speed (and drive on the shoulder and narrowly misses hitting several other vehicles) long...
Ice T Encounters a “Hero”
The rapper and TV star Ice T had an encounter with "law enforcement" recently that's worth a view and some comment.
He got pulled over by a law enforcer because he violated...
“Officer Safety”
The other day, a psychopath lit an apparently homeless woman on fire as she was sleeping inside a New York City subway car. As horrific as that was to see, it...
“Speed” Does “Kill” . . .
Here is a case in point in support of the contention that "speed kills."
The events that led to the fatality began when a law enforcer lit off after a driver who...
A “Wellness” Hut! Hut! Hut! Averted
Here's a video that shows why it's smart to have a video camera in your vehicle.
A Florida man who'd violated no traffic law - much less given reason to suspect him...
A Quick Look at the Lincoln Corsair – and an AGW
I was driving the '25 Lincoln Corsair they just dropped off the other day and trying to offer up some initial thoughts - when my peaceful train-of-thought was interrupted by the...
AGW Attacks Jaywalker
In the military - in basic training - a recruit may find himself being berated by a drill sergeant for being untidy or some other triviality, because the point of the...