Nothing to Worry About..
This is not paranoia anymore. This shit is real and unbelievable. Why do "we" need these in our skies?
If I was the sick fuck running the show I'd have all my...
Fat Hero Doesn’t Like Being Filmed…
Officer Oinky fits the profile:
What’s Up With All These “Training” Exercises?
Marines and sailors will invade Jasper County, South Carolina, this week, The Island Packet reported on Sunday.
The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will train in the town of Ridgeland, the county seat,...
The Bluecoats are Coming…
If Jesse gets his way. Check out this article by Mike Adams about Jesse Jackson's demand that TSA thugs be armed - and used to "police" America:
Mike Adams
Natural News
Feb 4,...
Handgun Issue
GeoD submitted this one:
I have friends on both sides of the handgun issue, those who
believe easy access to hand guns is not good for this country
and those who believe government has...
Jesse Says Those Opposed to Gun Control Are “Terrorists”
Check him out:
The Truth Left Behind
February 2, 2013
Hero Cop Hassles Trekkers
Watch this specimen:
Vet Learns About the “Freedom” he Fought For
Instant felon for non-crimes:
In the latest attack on the American people, a decorated veteran has been arrested and charged with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon, for...
Unhappy Piggy
This is from
Every morning during my commute to work in the subway I encounter a variety of violations of peoples constitutional rights. From NYPD’s racist stop and frisk policy to...