18 Reasons Why Piers Morgan is Full of ****
The following are 18 facts that prove that Piers Morgan is flat out lying about gun control…
#1 The UK has approximately 125 percent more rape victims per 100,000 people each year...
Another Chimp?
Can't these bastards ever find productive employment?
Watch: Jones On Fire: “1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our...
Mac Slavo
January 7th, 2013
Talk show host and info warrior Alex Jones faced off with CNN’s Piers Morgan Monday night in an exchange sure to further inflame the debate about gun rights...
Outrage: Bank Of America Freezes Funds of Licensed Online Gun Dealer: “We Believe You...
Mac Slavo
January 5th, 2013
Legal gun ownership in America is under attack on all sides. From pending bans that would restrict the sale, transfer and possession of certain weapons, to outright calls...
America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See
Mac Slavo
January 5th, 2013
What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality.
According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the...
Swiss gunman kills 3 people, had troubled history
Associated Press
GENEVA (AP) -- A shooting in southern Switzerland has left three women dead, two men wounded and raised questions about how a troubled suspect was able to go...
Hero Cop Fakes DUI Busts to Plump Her Resume
From AP:
A class-action lawsuit has been filed against a former Utah Highway Patrol trooper and her superiors alleging that she filed false DUI charges during her career.
The department fired Lisa Steed...
Here’s a Cop Who May Actually BE a Hero…
Pennsylvania Police Chief Proposes "2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance" -
The town is small, but the message is clear: do not infringe.
Pennsylvania Police Chief Proposes 2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance infringement prevention ordinance 2nd...
Hero Cop Arrests Man For Filming Traffic Stop… on Private Property
Steve Watson
Jan 3, 2013
A Texas man was arrested by an Alice Police officer recently for filming a traffic stop and providing commentary on the rights of drivers under the Fourth Amendment.
Here’s What’s Coming…
From SHTF plan:
Illinois Senate President John Cullerton will reportedly introduce a draconian bill today in the Illinois legislature that will effectively ban all modern firearms, criminalize their owners, and subject their...