
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

The “Child Welfare” Stasi

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Guns, Kids & FL Dept. of Children & Families From As Jeff Gray greeted his son exiting the school bus, he could tell something was up. Soon after,...

Another Story You Won’t Hear Much About…

On Sunday, 2 days after the CT shooting, a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his X-girlfriend. After he shot her, most of the people in the...

Sandy Hook False Flag?

The following are excerpts from Paul Craig Roberts' latest column. Some of the videos (especially the second one below) he links to are truly hair-raising: What follows is not an argument that...

Hero Cop Threatens Ass Rape For Speeding

This one's a keeper:

She “didn’t need” a gun…


Arms Kill!

But no one's calling for "arm control".... Detectives in New York are searching for a female suspect who fled a subway station after a man was fatally pushed in front of a...

Details of Gun Bill Emerging

  (NaturalNews) Friends, patriots and all who believe in freedom: Tyranny has run amok in the U.S. Senate, and a new effort is being led by the traitorous anti-American Senator Dianne Feinstein...

Hero Cop’s Slap on the Wrist…

Convicted Felon and Former Greece, NY Police Chief Merritt Rahn Released from Prison: Convicted felon and former Greece, NY Police Chief Merritt Rahn was released from the Hudson, N.Y. Correctional facility Wednesday...

Some Perspective. . .

The worst mass-killing at an elementary school didn't occur last week - and it didn't involve a gun. On May 8, 1927, 55-year-old Andrew Kehoe detonated multiple homemade bombs at the Bath...

You Might Need A Gun…

In the event of something such as this:
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