
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

Hero Cops Perform Cavity Search on Two Women

The Supreme Thugs have ruled this sort of thing to be "constitutional" - Two Texas women are suing after state troopers subjected them to a humiliating and invasive 'roadside body cavity search'...

A Dark Road Lies Ahead

Cheaper Than Dirt is (well...was) a great site.  It was a place to order bulk ammo to target shoot and find good deals on almost anything firearm related.  I was looking to...

Thug Scrum Review

This one's rough going...

Better Not Question The Official Story

From today's PrisonPlanet: Facebook is suspending user accounts that question the official narrative behind the Sandy Hook school massacre, following a warning by Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance that...

President Clover Says…

Here he goes: President Barack Obama assured the grieving, shell-shocked Newtown community on Sunday that "you are not alone" and vowed sternly to wield "whatever power this office holds" in a quest...

They Have Blood on Their Hands

Larry Pratt Gun Owners of America December 16, 2012 A gunman whose name we do not need to memorialize took advantage of our gun control laws to slaughter some 20 children and seven adults...

Michael Moore Calls For “Strict Gun Control” After School Massacre

Film maker Michael Moore quickly seized upon the tragic school massacre in Connecticut to call for “strict gun control,” while CNN host Piers Morgan implied that all handguns should be banned: Michael...

Supporters Of The Welfare System: You Are The WPIA

Thanks (sorta) to Shedlock (Mish) for posting this.  I haven't been to his site in a few weeks but went today and saw the excerpt below.  I see a lot of...

Another TSA Official Outed As A Sexual Deviant

From Prison Planet: It is no exaggeration to say that the TSA is manned by an army of perverts and sexual deviants. The amount of stories that have emerged documenting this phenomenon...

Hero Cops Taze Lady For Trying to Buy iPhones

  WMUR news reports that 44-year-old Xiaojie Li was visiting the mall in Nashua, New Hampshire, last week to buy christmas presents, but ran into trouble at the Apple store. Li, who cannot...
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