
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

Three Year Old Gets $2,500 Ticket From Hero Cop for Peeing on His Own...

PIEDMONT, Oklahoma - A 3 year old gets his mom in trouble with the law when he gets a ticket from police. Now the little boy's mother will have to pay thousands...

Baltimore To Begin Recording Conversations in Busses

Baltimore announces city-wide surveillance roll out that records passenger conversations on city buses. J. D. Heyes Natural News Nov 5, 2012 The surveillance society continues to grow unabated, as the city of Baltimore becomes the...

The Silence of Ethylene Glycol

Today's New York Times editorial lamenting Congress's silence on firearms control following the recent Virginia Tech massacre underscores the almost obsessive fixation of some of our most influential news sources on...

Excuse Me … And The Backwards Notion of American Courtesy.

Many of the problems in driving in the USA as well as the larger society is that courtesy is backwards. Instead of not doing something rude, instead of not imposing on...

Clovers – a timely observation from 1925

Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has ever given any sober reflection to the matter. A democratic state may profess to venerate the name, and...

Confronting Clovers

Check out this video of one intrepid videographer confronting Clovers auctioning off some poor guy's house - taken for failing to pay taxes:

Free Shit Army on the Move

Widespread looting reported in Atlantic City Looters who hit Angela Jones’s house on New Hampshire Avenue were thorough. They took three flatscreen TVs, raided her medicine cabinet and her son’s closet and overturned...


  Career politicians and legal professionals have done all they can to estrange the Grand Jury from the People they exist to protect. The resulting lack of accountability continues to be instrumental...

The $3,000 Alternative…..

I might say I grew up in Los Angeles, but I didn't. I'm still growing up. To say I grew up would be like the so-called climate scientist saying the science...

Homeowner’s Association Targets Boy’s Fort

A homeowner's association in Texas is trying to tear down a nine-year-old boy's fort. Aren't you proud to be an American - where at least you know you're free?
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