
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

If You Were Iranian…

The average American will likely have trouble with the following: Iran Attack Next? By Bruce K. Gagnon This map tells the whole story. Each star represents a U.S. military base. In the middle, in...

The Real Definition of Terrorism

Solipsistic and brain-dead Americans will probably find the following offensive: By Glenn Greenwald December 11, 2011 "Salon" -- The FBI yesterday announced it has secured an indictment against Faruq Khalil Muhammad ‘Isa, a...

Peter Brimelow Asks….

A very interesting question: OK, Republicans, If Israel Is So Great, Why Not Follow Its Example? For immigration patriots, the December 10 Iowa GOP Presidential candidates would have been a bore—except for the...

No More Compact Trucks… For US

Here's the first known victim of the latest CAFE (government fuel efficiency) increase to 35.5 MPG: The compact pick-up truck. And the American truck buyer. Ok, that's two victims. I've just discovered...

Cops Try to Dissuade Elderly Woman From Defending Herself Against Home Invasion

Kurt Nimmo December 8, 2011 If Donna Hopper, a 66 year old Redding, California, woman had listened to police during a 911 call, she may have been killed by an intruder. During a 911...

Here’s why carrying a gun is a not-bad idea….

For the Clovers out there: COLTON, Calif. (AP) — Police say a naked, 300-pound bodybuilder savagely beat a Southern California couple at their home, leaving them in critical condition. The Sun of San...

The Truth About Pearl Harbor

This article is very interesting; the book Pat discusses even more so: Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor? By Patrick J. Buchanan On December 8, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt took the rostrum before a joint session...

New Chimp Same as the Old Chimp

The Obama Regime Has No Constitutional Scruples By Paul Craig Roberts Misreading the fight over military detention During an interview with RT on December 1, I said that the US Constitution had been shredded...

What the Founders Thought About Democracy

Consider the words of the Founding Fathers themselves, who — one after another — condemned democracy. • Virginia’s Edmund Randolph participated in the 1787 convention. Demonstrating a clear grasp of democracy’s inherent...


This guy just hit it out of the park - and into the next county. Hats off to you, sir!  Amid The Architecture Of Declining Capitalism: Memes, Death Genes And Real Estate...
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