
“Sensitive Events”

Google just announced a "Sensitive Events" policy - and you can probably imagine what that means. Naturally, Google - the tech enforcement arm of the Left that has seized control of the...

Thug Scrum Review

This one's rough going...

A Serious White Person

This guy has stones (wait for it):

My Bike is Like an EV

I was out riding my motorcycle the other day and it occurred to me - as I glanced at the odometer, which you do out of habit if you have a...

No One Ever Really Builds Anything…

The abject stupidity of the POTUS' reasoning is portrayed in this awesome video. The best line is: "It's important to destroy their sense of individualism while they are still young..."

Brave Man Confronts “Heroes”

Here's a video of a very brave man who verbally confronts "hero" cops, denouncing them to their face. Not with profanity - with reason and appeals to human decency, which these...

Four Star AGW Confronted Over Freezing Kid Alive

Here's video of a local news reporter confronting a four-star (Gruppenfuhrer) AGW over some very nasty business involving a lower-echeleon AGW who apparently abused a minor - a 13-year-old boy -...

Abolish The Pretexts

One of the reasons so many traffic stops go "bad" is because there are so many pretexts for traffic stops.  No harm done - but some law (that is, some authority)...

The Master Culture

The Nazis had the Herrenvolk - the master race. It didn't work out for them so well. But if they'd been a bit slicker in their thinking, they would have done...

Going for a Swim

Just before the Titanic went under, the rear end went up higher - possibly giving those in that end of the ship a false sense of buoyancy. Those who leased a...
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