
Sexual Harassment is Fine . . . When You’re an AGW

Here's a video and news story out of Washington, DC - about an armed government worker's unusually enthusiastic "stop and frisk" of a man suspected of, apparently, nothing. The victim's "crime" was...

Reader Question: VW Pickup?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Aaron asks: What, if anything, can you tell me about the VW diesel pickups from the late '70's to the early '80's? I might...

Elon’s Out! (And Out $20 Million)

Looks like Elon's mouth is finally catching up with him. The SEC just forced him out as chairman of Tesla and imposed a $20 million dollar fine  - not chump change, even...

About 13 Percent!

That's how close we are to green for the month. Thought I'd post a quick note to maybe (hopefully) prompt enough people reading this to make up the deficit before September...

Reader Question: Speedo Accuracy?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Paul asks: I once saw, but lost track of a formula (maybe an app now?) to apply to figure out the impact of...

Achtung, Baby!

I stumbled on this video of a WWI-era German Panzer (tank) engine; air-cooled V12 and a really big "carbon footprint"! This made my day I figured I'd share it - in the...

Perils of the Part-Time Driver

Big Brother has been riding shotgun for years, but he’s never been able to actually watch what we do in our cars. That’s about to change. He'll soon be able to tell whether we're...

Reader Question: Saaaaaaaaaaaaaafety?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bryce asks: In our saaaaaaaaaaafety-obsessed society, where cars are festooned with electronic and electromechanical nanny systems, where kids need helmets for everything except...

Reader Question: Rolling Resistance

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Derek asks: I enjoyed your article about big rims vs. MPG (here). But I thought that larger diameter tires gave less rolling resistance, all...

Special Oil for Specialized Vehicles

Here's a quick video about changing oil - and which oil to change it with - if you own a speciality vehicle such as a high-performance motorcycle or a vintage car...
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