Three Year Old Gets $2,500 Ticket From Hero Cop for Peeing on His Own...
PIEDMONT, Oklahoma -
A 3 year old gets his mom in trouble with the law when he gets a ticket from police. Now the little boy's mother will have to pay thousands...
2013 Volkswagen CC
Where does bread and butter end - and entry luxury start?
It's a tough question, because there's no longer a clear line in the sand - in terms of equipment and features...
A Good Cop.. and a Hero Cop
One cop actually intervenes to stop the bad one:
Tomorrow’s (S)election
What was it Bill Murray's character chanted in Meatballs? It just doesn't matter.
Or rather, it might - but not for the obvious reasons.
Either way, the country will have an authoritarian corporatist...
Baltimore To Begin Recording Conversations in Busses
Baltimore announces city-wide surveillance roll out that records passenger conversations on city buses.
J. D. Heyes
Natural News
Nov 5, 2012
The surveillance society continues to grow unabated, as the city of Baltimore becomes the...
The Silence of Ethylene Glycol
Today's New York Times editorial lamenting Congress's silence on firearms control following the recent Virginia Tech massacre underscores the almost obsessive fixation of some of our most influential news sources on...
Dodge Dart test-drive/ review request
Hi Eric, any chance you could review the 2013 Dart?
It looks like the Chrysler/ Fiat collaberation might bear some good fruit this side of the Atlantic.
Cheers, ED
Woody Harrelson as Hero Cop
This one looks good:
Excuse Me … And The Backwards Notion of American Courtesy.
Many of the problems in driving in the USA as well as the larger society is that courtesy is backwards. Instead of not doing something rude, instead of not imposing on...
Today’s Hero Cops in Action
Choke holds, take-downs... just another routine traffic stop in the name of "officer safety"