16 Year Old Pays Price For “Officer Safety”
Tragic story by Curt Williams over at CopBlock:
The story of Andrew Messina has been making its rounds via the MSM and it’s about time. Andrew is becoming a household name...
Free Shit Army Lieutenant Arrested
After being rescued:
50 MPG Then – and Now
Getting 50 MPG out of a gallon of gas has gotten a lot more expensive over the past 20-something years.
Back in 1990, it only cost $5,995 - $10,614 in corrected-for-2012...
The Free Shit Army…
Is surely massing... any predictions as to where it will appear first after Frankenstorm makes landfall?
Unhappy Porker
Its porcine primitive circuits get fried by cop-blocker!
Death Looks Back
Old people reminisce at the end of their lives, reliving the good times, the great moments. So do dying cultures - like ours.
It's not mere laziness that has prompted the rehashing...
A wrestler takes care of bidness:
On Us vs. Them
The movie, The Matrix, explains a great deal.
Most people are brought up from birth within the system – “the matrix” – and psychologically and socially and culturally conditioned to accept it...
2013 Toyota Sienna
Here's something that bucks the trend: Toyota just announced the 2013 Sienna minivan will no longer be offered with a four-cylinder engine.
The formerly optional V-6 is now standard in all trims.
Technocracies, theocracies, bureaucracies and full contact sports.
Nobody who knows me would call me a religious person. I've frequently engaged in conversations concerning the wisdom of incorporating non-secular thought into government and I've done it from a selfish...