

Imagine there's no heaven. No aliens and oracles in the sky. No hell or monsters below us. No grave markers when you die. Imagine all the people, living for tonight and today. Imagine all...

Hero Cops: We’re Gonna Violate Some Rights!

Secretly recorded audio of New York's Swinest in Action:

DUI Award

They actually give awards for this...? The state Driving Under the Influence Association awarded Cpl. Gregory Hadfield with the 2012 DUI-Top Gun Award, according to Springettsbury Township Police. The award recognizes and thanks...

National Guard Whistleblower Spills Some Beans

About how "preppers" will be treated by the US Government: So begins the Oath of Enlistment for the U.S. military, but in an explosive interview with a National Guard whistleblower shown below,...

Forget Tazering – This Hero Cop Wants to Eat You!

NEW YORK — Federal authorities have arrested a New York City police officer in connection with a failed plot to kidnap women and cook them. The FBI confirmed the arrest on Thursday,...

The Holocaust Shuffle

In the '70s, there was The Hustle. We've got a new dance here in the Homeland. It's called The Holocaust Shuffle. The steps are easy to learn. Just stand here, legs...

Mom Convicted for not Allowing TSA Creeps to Grope Daughter

Checkit out: A woman who stood up to TSA screeners and refused to allow them to grope her or her 14 year old daughter has been found guilty of “disorderly conduct” and...

GOP “Partei” pins

Am I the only one sick to death of seeing the modern take on the NSDAP "Partei" pin on the lapels of every scumbag politician? You know, the flaaaaaaaaaag pin. Symbol of...

Three Hero Cops Beat Pregnant Woman

Five feet one, 126 pounds - and pregnant - vs. three of America's Swinest: Notice, too, the "hero" three star general being interviewed...

How “Safety” Requirements Make Your Car Less Actually Safe

The government enacts laws - or issues regulatory fatwas - requiring that new cars comply with various "safety" standards. Ironically, the result of these standards - in terms of vehicle design...
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