
Three Hero Cops Beat Pregnant Woman

Five feet one, 126 pounds - and pregnant - vs. three of America's Swinest: Notice, too, the "hero" three star general being interviewed...

How “Safety” Requirements Make Your Car Less Actually Safe

The government enacts laws - or issues regulatory fatwas - requiring that new cars comply with various "safety" standards. Ironically, the result of these standards - in terms of vehicle design...

Stop E15 Petition

  The U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit which challenged the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to permit 15% ethanol (E15) content in gasoline for 2001 and newer model year cars...

12 Year-Old Fends Off Maggot

My friend Mac Salvo over at SHTF just posted this: It’s never too early to learn to defend yourself, and 12-year-old Kendra St. Clair from Durant, Oklahoma did just that when a...

Hero Porker Says

Get off the public sidewalk or be arrested!

A Measure of How Bad it Really is

We've done everything we reasonably can to lower our cost of living - which these days seems to be the only realistic way to counterbalance inflation and declining or stagnant (or...

2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee

I think I know how they felt. You know - guys like me, reviewing the final cadre of muscle cars some 40 years ago, back in the early 70s. They could...

TSA Opt Out WEEK is Coming!

Consumer Advocate Backs TSA Opt Out Campaign Consumer advocate and noted journalist Christopher Elliott has publicly backed Infowars’ national Opt Out and Film campaign set to take place next month as he...

Clover Cunt

Get ready to get mad:

Trucker Owns Border Pigs

Not even at the border! 30 miles away from it! And note: The second pig can barely speak English without an accent... and he's hassling an American citizen!
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