
One of Clover’s Blue Suited Heroes….

Another object lesson our sparkly ol' Clover is sure to discount or ignore... even as such incidents are increasing and becoming all-too-common knowledge: YAKIMA – A jury today convicted Spokane Police Officer...

Cat Con Snatching

When they first appeared in the mid-'70s, gearheads in search of more power wanted to get rid of catalytic converters and often replaced them with sections of straight-through tubing - the...

1975 Kawasaki S1 Rebuild: Installment Six

The Triple is back on its feet, so to speak! After a lot of scrounging, I was finally able to locate a set of tires for the bike. One thing I...

The Incomparable Fred Lays it Down

Again... Enjoy: 1955 By Fred Reed With the regularity of sunrise, editorials raise alarums over the sorry state of schooling in America, wondering year after year why students are so abysmally ignorant. Why the puzzlement?...

A Foreign Policy of V8 Power.

I have found my self again watching videos of Iran's car culture. I guess it's that I'd like to understand who our rulers want to kill, the things they want to...

The Return of Clover, Mark I

The original Clover - the self-named (and appropriately named) poster-heckler who inadvertently provided me with a wonderful term to describe Statist Americanus - has returned. And he has learned nothing, as...

No Surprises Here…

Thug Judge faces "no charges" for savage beating of his 16-year-old daughter; this piece of shit gets away scot-free with the sort of crime that would - rightly - land any...

Police State Land Grab?

Chuck Baldwin's latest column contains the following scary news: HR 1505: Giant Land Grab For The Police State By Chuck Baldwin Montana Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg lent his support for ceding more power and...

Some Cases in Point

Back when this was still a (mostly, or at least more) free country than it is now, lawmakers and judges actually defended individual liberties against abuses by the state - as...

The Fraud Called “Democracy”

Another excellent piece by Paul Craig Roberts: Every day that passes adds to the fraudulent image of what is called Western democracy. Consider that the entire Western world is outraged that the Greek...
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