
Some Cases in Point

Back when this was still a (mostly, or at least more) free country than it is now, lawmakers and judges actually defended individual liberties against abuses by the state - as...

The Fraud Called “Democracy”

Another excellent piece by Paul Craig Roberts: Every day that passes adds to the fraudulent image of what is called Western democracy. Consider that the entire Western world is outraged that the Greek...

Herman Cain – Another Warmonging Chickenhawk

Typical "conservative" ... which is why he's the current Republican Front Man - more war: Herman Cain’s foreign policy objectives were on show once again last night ... During a lengthy interview with...

Food – The One Benefit of “Diversity”

This is a ripper! By James Kirkpatrick November 2, 2011 Food is the one benefit of “diversity”. Thanks to diversity, wherever you are in this country, you can now enjoy Indian, Chinese, Italian, Greek,...

Why The King Died…

This old Kawasaki motorcycle I'm trying to resurrect has a neat little engine of a type you don't see anymore - unless you're in the backyard weed-whacking, that is. I'm talking...

Napolitano Says “See Something, Say Something”

Paying with cash is now "suspicious," according to Big Sis: Paul Joseph Watson Prison Guests checking in at big hotels like the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, and Holiday Inn will now be met with...

What The Greek Debacle Portends

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is a solid reporter; here's what he says: November 01, 2011 "The Independent" - -GREECE'S astonishing decision to call a referendum – "a supreme act of democracy and of patriotism",...

Crime Does Pay

Making crime pay is literally true in America nowadays. Not just token work like making cons stamp out license plates or pick up trash along the Interstate. There's not much money...

2012 Suzuki Kizashi: All it Needs is a ‘Busa Boost…

Suzuki has a handle on bikes. From the brutal 200 MPH 'Busa to the smooth-cruising Boulevard series, Suzuki is a dominant player on two wheels. But the company hasn't yet become a...

Herman Cain – another one….

Another "fambly values" Republican who can't keep it in his pants...?  Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain was in the hot seat on Monday night, answering questions about allegations of sexual harassment from...
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