
“Gun Control” is dying (thank god)

Here's some more really good news for a change: Americans may be fleeing from stocks in droves, but they sure aren’t shy about rotating the resulting meager liquidation proceeds into weaponry. According...

Some Really Good News

Maybe it's not so hopeless after all. Prison Planet reports that:   Americans continue to direct concern, anger and derision toward the TSA over the agency’s aggressive presence in the nations airports, newly...

Mitt Romney: Greasy Corporate Gladhander

Just in case you were expecting "change" from this Republican ass clown: WASHINGTON -- Among the well-placed Washington crowd feting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Wednesday is a former lobbyist for...

Being Polite to Muggers

You can't fix something until you know what's wrong with it. Well, something is very wrong with our political system, to a great extent because something is wrong with our moral...

The World Turned Upside Down

Check this out: We don't have a right to be free from being groped by the TSA or stopped and searched for absolutely no specific reason when we're out driving... but...

2012 Nissan Sentra SE-R

Really quick - and really powerful - compact sedans and hatches are now being sold by half a dozen automakers. Some - like the 2012 MazdaSpeed3 - belt out more than...

What are “conservatives” trying to “conserve”?

Great Buchanan column today: What Is It We Wish to Conserve? By Patrick J. Buchanan on October 24, 2011 A conservative's task in society is "to preserve a particular people, living in a particular...

What VW Could Have Done

If you've read my review of the just-launched (and butched-up) 2012 VWBeetle, you'll know how disappointed I was. It's not a bad car in the sense that it's well-built, not-ugly and...

Grifter Nation

PCR is one of the few real Americans - he gives a damn about liberty - still on his feet: By Paul Craig Roberts on October 23, 2011 Last March I reviewed Matt...

Gas Saving Reality Check

Everyone's jumping on the "how to save gas" bandwagon - understandably. It's on everyone's mind. But that doesn't mean you ought to believe everything you read. For instance, there's the bogus: *...
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