
What’s Gonna Get Us

The typical American is so conditioned to Authority that he will not even dare to defy a road sign - even when it's out in the middle of nowhere and there's...

End Times Signs

Here is a startling tidbit; an urgent wake-up call, really: Business Week has just reported that GM sold more than 2 million cars in China for the second straight year in a...

2012 Fiat 500: A Better Mini?

I did not expect to like the Fiat 500. But I quickly fell in love with it. It may be my favorite new car. I'd consider buying one myself - and that...

In Search Of…

If you own a '60s or '70s-era muscle car, you've probably become aware of an ironic problem: It is virtually impossible to find high-performance tires for your high-performance classic. The BF...

Left to Pass… Please

Lane courtesy - moving over to allow faster-moving traffic to get by - is a wonderful concept. But I'd take it a step farther: If you're not passing, you should not...

15 Years in Prison…. for Recording a Traffic Stop

Louis Frobe is facing hard time. Fifteen years in prison - the sort of sentence typically handed out for crimes such as second-degree murder and rape. Frobe's crime? He recorded a...

Always Read The Fine Print

So - what's the catch? While there are some great deals to be had on new cars today, it's always smart to be sure you understand the offers - and especially,...

The new 2012 VW Beetle

Back in the day - back in the early-mid '70s - some people didn't like the Super Beetle (as opposed to the original Beetle) because the Super had a strut front...

Muscle Cars Were Slow

I'm probably gonna get bagfuls of hate mail for this one - but the truth is that most of the muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s were slow. At least,...

When is it Not Worth Fixing?

Machines fail. Cars are machines. Eventually, they fail - or put more precisely, their systems eventually begin to wear out. Stuff starts to go wrong. Then, it starts to go wrong...
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