2012 Honda CR-V
Relativity - it's not just a concept in physics.
It applies to horsepower (and performance) too.
On the one hand, the just-updated 2012 Honda CR-V is still a bit underpowered and a...
Congress Calls for Accelerated Use of Drones in U.S.
Steven Aftergoodhttp://www.fas.orgFebruary 3rd, 2012
A House-Senate conference report this week called on the Administration to accelerate the use of civilian unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or “drones,” in U.S. airspace.
The pending authorization bill...
The 2013 Mazda CX-5 I Won’t Be seeing
I just got invited by Mazda to attend a press event for the 2013 CX-5 in CA. I used to attend such events regularly, and I'd love to attend this one-...
Stupor Bowl Fuhhhhtball Fans to Get Scanned
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Fans attending the 2012 Super Bowl on Sunday will face a new level of security in addition to pat downs before they are allowed to...
Well, She Won… Now We May All Lose
Heather Peters (no relation to this writer) just won her lawsuit against Honda over what she argued were misleading claims about the gas mileage she'd get out of her then-new 2006...
Bedrock of a Free Society
Here is an excerpt from a post written by Joel F. Wade at The Daily Bell on Feb 1:
A research study was done years ago by Professor Stanley Milgram on Obedience...
2012 Fiat 500 C
I've already reviewed the Fiat 500 coupe (see here). Now it's time to look at the 500C with the folding soft-top (similar to the one offered by VW on the old...
Noo Joisey Ammo Ban
Constitutional Work Around: New Jersey Legislators Move to Ban Ammunition
Mac Slavo
January 30th, 2012
While the second amendment protects our right to bear arms, some anti-gun advocates think they may have found a...
Yes, I am gravely concerned about government meddling in the auto business. One thing makers need to do to make high mileage cars is to be allowed to make them very...
One For Them… One For Us
In the news today, an example of the two-tiered system of "justice" that exists in America - one for us and one for them:
Colorado State Rep. Laura Bradford was pulled...