
Why They Hate Us (Really, I Mean)

Excellent analysis; note bolded points: Why Do They Hate Us? By Dave Lindorff December 16, 2011 "Counterpunch" -  Even as President Obama and War Secretary Leon Panetta announce the “end” of the Iraq War,...

When it Snows…

I've done a lot of driving in all kinds of different conditions, from the sublime to the brutal, in thousands of different types of vehicles -everything from a UAZ Soviet military...

Top Drawer Video Rant Here

This guy tells you how you don't even get the one thing you thought you'd get by holding your nose and voting for Obama rather than McSame:

If You Were Iranian…

The average American will likely have trouble with the following: Iran Attack Next? By Bruce K. Gagnon This map tells the whole story. Each star represents a U.S. military base. In the middle, in...

We Have Crossed the Rubicon

Do you suppose cows have any idea what's coming as they're marched down the chute? Or do they stare with bovine indifference at the tail and hind quarters in front of...

2012 Nissan Rogue

In 2008, when the Rogue was launched, it was a kind of poor-man's BMW X3. It had more power and better performance - especially in the handling department - than other...

The Real Definition of Terrorism

Solipsistic and brain-dead Americans will probably find the following offensive: By Glenn Greenwald December 11, 2011 "Salon" -- The FBI yesterday announced it has secured an indictment against Faruq Khalil Muhammad ‘Isa, a...

The CAFE Catch-22

The pending (2016)  35.5 MPG CAFE requirements – which for the first time apply to trucks as well as passenger cars – are going to make it very difficult for any...

Peter Brimelow Asks….

A very interesting question: OK, Republicans, If Israel Is So Great, Why Not Follow Its Example? For immigration patriots, the December 10 Iowa GOP Presidential candidates would have been a bore—except for the...

1975 Kawasaki S1 Rebuild: Installment Eight

There is light at the end of the tunnel - in fact, I can almost hear the spitting and popping of my soon-to-be operational S1's two-stroke engine. But first, a segue...
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