
Reader Q (Sept. 21, 2017)

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply: Sue asks: I obviously love my 2012 Prius C. What 12V Battery do I get for this car? I can't find it anywhere for...

2023 Toyota Prius

If there really is a "climate crisis" - as opposed to climate hysteria - you'd think people would be encouraged to buy hybrids like the Toyota Prius. Unlike electric vehicles, the Prius...

First-Time Advice

A friend whose wife is about to give birth asked my advice about what to get as far as first-time family wheels. My first advice was to not buy anything new; to...

Reasons NOT To Finance Your Used Car Purchase

With used cars, should you buy outright - or finance? The main advantage to buying a used car is (obviously) the lower purchase price. You have let the original purchaser absorb the...

Reader Question: AGW Detection?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tom asks: Modern police cars have all kinds of electronic crap emitting all kinds of radiation. Can't some clever IT person devise a...

It’s Happened to Bikes, Too

Almost exactly ten years ago, I bought the last new bike I'll probably ever buy. The new bikes - like new cars - just don't do it for me. Or rather, they...

Cops Try to Dissuade Elderly Woman From Defending Herself Against Home Invasion

Kurt Nimmo December 8, 2011 If Donna Hopper, a 66 year old Redding, California, woman had listened to police during a 911 call, she may have been killed by an intruder. During a 911...

LA AGW Rapes 15-Year-Old Rape Victim

An AGW with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department named Neil Kimball has plead guilty to child molestation involving a teenager whose sexual assault case he was investigating, according to KTLA-TV...

EP Autos Track Day

My roommate from college purchased a bad ass 37' SeaRay boat a few weeks ago.  I stayed a couple weekends with him on it around the DC area.  Good Times!  One...

Reader Question: Retro Review Monte?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Rick writes: I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this piece (on the '83-88 Chevy Monte Carlo SS) you...
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