
Avoiding the Corn Con

It all started back in the '80s. If you're of a certain vintage, you may remember. In winter, they began to "oxygenate" - that is, adulterate - gasoline with additives such...

Would You Still Want to Drive . . .

What if you had to obey - to the letter - every single traffic law, from no-right-on red to no-passing if the pass requires "speeding," even a little bit? How about...

Reader Rant: Buy an “Affected” Diesel VW? Hell Yes!

Here's the latest reader rant, along with my reply! Michael writes: You might want to advise her (Mike refers to my broke friend, described here) to buy a VW diesel. I did. Plenty...

What You Should Be Able to Say to a Cop… But Don’t Dare To

One word - no. It used to be a word that carried a lot of weight. Not just morally but also - and critically - legally. You could say no to...

Armed Government Workers Beat 20-Year-Old Girl

This video just uploaded; it shows New Jersey armed government workers brutally beating a 20-year-old girl. According to news reports, the beating was triggered because of underage drinking. The girl was "uncooperative"...

Reader Question: H1 Buying and Undiapering?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Steve asks: I've heard you many times on Infowars with David Knight. I am in the Ft. Lauderdale area wearing an Infowars Diaper;...

2023 Dodge Challenger Black Ghost

Some of you may remember Pontiac. Years from now, some of us may remember Dodge. What happened to the former is on the verge of happening to the latter, some 45 years...

Weight Matters

The saying goes that size matters - but weight matters more. If you want to go far. This is why EVs don’t. Even the really little ones - like Chevy’s Bolt,...

Taxpayers on Hook for $2.75 Million to Pay Victims of Molesting “Hero”

Taxpayers in Irwindale, California are on the hook for $2.75 million after a lawsuit brought by a young woman molested by a "hero" was settled last Thursday. The "hero" himself will, of course, not have...

Buffalo, NY Heroes Execute Man’s Dog … After Raiding Wrong Apartment

Another story that will make you "proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm freeeeeeeeeeee...." .... As an Iraq war veteran, Adam Arroyo saw more than his share of bullets...
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