
A Reason to Throw Your Sail Fawn in The Woods

You've no doubt heard about warrant-free wiretaps - and monitoring of your e-mails and web surfing habits. These things have been routinely and openly engaged in by "law enforcement" since the...

Reader Question: When Did GM Jump the Shark?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Zane asks: Just curious, you'd know the answer to this, but when did GM go from General Motors to Government Motors? One could...

Cat Con Snatching

When they first appeared in the mid-'70s, gearheads in search of more power wanted to get rid of catalytic converters and often replaced them with sections of straight-through tubing - the...

Reader Question: The Fiction of Ownership?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jon writes: An interesting column on Coonman in your state. The amount of info tracking is getting ridiculous. I'm not looking forward to...

Practical Libertarianism: Peace Keepers vs. Police

Republicans, Democrats - authoritarian collectivists generally - reflexively dismiss Libertarianism as "impractical" and "naive" in order to avoid discussing the validity of core Libertarian ideals - self ownership, non-aggression. They wave...

Reader Question: The Dolchstoßlegende?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks: Could it be that Trump is there to just play a delaying game? To hold off the true revolt? "Gonna do...

10 Easy Steps to Tyranny

Naomi Wolf gets credit for this: 1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy After we were hit on September 11 2001, we were in a state of national shock. Less than six...

Why They Hate Us (Really, I Mean)

Excellent analysis; note bolded points: Why Do They Hate Us? By Dave Lindorff December 16, 2011 "Counterpunch" -  Even as President Obama and War Secretary Leon Panetta announce the “end” of the Iraq War,...

When They Won’t “Cover” You . . .

Here's an interesting juxtaposition: California, like pretty much all states, forces everyone who drives a car to "cover" it. That is, the state forces them to buy insurance. Even - in some cases...

Reader Rant: Anonymous Thanks!

Here's the latest reader rant, along with my reply! Anonymous asks: I would like to extend my thanks for your earlier input regarding the VW TDIs. I purchased a MK7 Golf TDI...
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