
Reader Question: Car Restorer Magazine?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Tom asks: Car Restorer magazine went out of business Feb 1. Do you know anything about why they couldn't make it? They had...

Another Measure of How We’ve Been Gypped (and Fooled)

Before I write a new car review, I like to do some background research - which helps provide context and hopefully makes the published review informative. Well, I found some interesting...

Latest Radio: Liberty Conspiracy w/Gard Goldsmith: 06/30/2023

Here's the audio of my appearance the other night on Gard Goldsmith's Liberty Conspiracy show! We vivisected some statist shibboleths and hope it's edifying; my segment begins at around the 59:40...

Reader Question: Sport Mode?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Dave asks: I keep reading about "sport" mode in new cars but no one seems to be able to tell me what that...

Reader Question: Selling Off?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Darren asks: I have several motorcycles which I don't ride much lately in part because of WuFlu lockdowns and also because the fun...

2013 Mazda CX-9

Function matters - but form does, too. Especially when you've got a choice. Full-size minivans, for instance, sold in big numbers  . . . until less stodgy-looking (and driving) alternatives - same-size...

Not Ready for EverReady

What does it say about a product when half of the retailers expected to sell it want no part of it? It's another one of those questions we're not supposed to...

$4 gas had some upsides…

Gas prices seem to have stabilized - at least temporarily - at the New Normal of about $2.70 per gallon for regular unleaded. But I miss $4 per gallon gas. Don't you?...

AGW Hut! Hut! Huts! High School Kid…

For having the effrontery to not answer questions - a basic legal right which is being routinely trampled by AGWs, who like to style themselves "law enforcement" even though they often...

Missing the 1 Million Mark . . .

GM's CEO, Mary Barra, predicted it would be producing (and presumably, selling) one meeeeeellion - cue Dr. Evil voice - battery powered devices by the end of next year. How many devices...
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