
Video Rant: 2018 Ford Transit Connect

Quick look at the 2018 Ford Transit Connect, which actually is a mini-van  . . . even if it's not technically called that: . . . Got a question about cars - or...

Reader Question: Seat Comfort?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Don asks: I'd like to see your reviews include seat comfort opinions. I have a 2005 Grand Cherokee; the seats are fine for my...

Handgun Issue

GeoD submitted this one: I have friends on both sides of the handgun issue, those who believe easy access to hand guns is not good for this country and those who believe government has...

The Good – and the Bad – About New Cars

Just like our marriages, nothing's perfect about cars - whether they are new cars or old cars. Here are a few things about new cars that are both good and bad: Tire...

GOP “Partei” pins

Am I the only one sick to death of seeing the modern take on the NSDAP "Partei" pin on the lapels of every scumbag politician? You know, the flaaaaaaaaaag pin. Symbol of...

Latest Reader Question (Dec. 12, 2017)

Here is the latest reader Question, along with my Reply: Dennis asks: Love your work!  Would really like to see you take a stab at ethanol, but you may want to wait till...

Mid-Summer Monkey Paw

Every now and then, I post a brief appeal asking those who appreciate EPautos to consider supporting EPautos - as well as my thanks to those who already have and who...

Which Brand of Taxi Do You Prefer?

If automated cars ever do become technically feasible - and that’s a long way off, despite the trendy imminence we read about every day - it will certainly mean the end...

Cops Should Act Like Firemen in a Free Society

Mark R. Crovelli May 10, 2012 An important characteristic of both crimes and fires is the impossibility of knowing where either will occur. Firemen may have a general sense of the buildings that...

The Eggplant Behind the Wheel

If you wanted to get people to fear driving - with the idea that, in time, they would no longer have any desire to drive - how best to go about...
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