
Latest Radio: David Knight Show 02/03/2024

Here's the audio and (hopefully) the video of my talk yesterday with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight. We got into the waning of EV Fever and the...

“heroes” Hassle Guy Pushing Bike Home

Here's another video of "heroes" earning the hate - just like their Redcoat forbears more than 200 years ago. The "heroes" put this guy through the ringer, without cause - just because...

I break the law everyday…

I have become a routine law-breaker. Today, for example, I passed three cars - even though it was a "double yellow" zone. I almost always drive 10-20 mph faster than the posted speed...

Keep Obama in President!

A colonel in the Free Shit Army speaks:

Teslas Suddenly Get Pricier . . .

Tesla announced the other day that it will no longer be producing the least-expensive version of its Model S sedan - which lines up with Tesla's failure to produce many (f...

Hannibal Lector “hero”

An off-duty Queens, NY "hero" who was arrested for driving drunk in 2012 and for child endangerment last year was busted again last week after biting and choking his wife, authorities said. Brayan Terrazas, 31, got into a verbal dispute with...

“General Welfare” and “Climate Change”

Why do we have unlimited government? Probably because the document that was supposed to limit it has done the opposite. People were told the federal government could do no more than was...


A few weeks back, most of my truck's exhaust system fell off. I decided to save back some money - a financial survival skill these days - by not replacing all...

Moody’s Downgrades Tesla

Reality bites, occasionally. The credit rating of Elon Musk's crony capitalist con operation was downgraded by Moody’s Investors Service on Tuesday as the electric car company burns through cash, fails to meet...

Four Reasons Why America Isn’t Any More

Watch this video and you will understand why America isn't any more; why it has become an overweight parody of East Germany - with fat/over-armed, low-IQ Stasi who can't follow the...
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