
Big Brother Eyeballing Your License Plate?

Soon, cops may not even have to pull you over to know almost everything about you - and keep it on file, too. Motorola - manufacturer of radio equipment and other cop...

2011 Honda CR-Z Hybrid

Life is often about compromises - and so is the new CR-Z coupe from Honda. It's the first "sporty" (decent acceleration and handling; available six-speed manual transmission; doesn't look like a sad-sack...

Don’t Want to “Buckle-up for Safety?”

Let's say you prefer (for whatever reason) not to "buckle up" when you drive. Yes, I know that seat belts save lives - and that your chances of being injured or even...

How Often Have You Been Shiny Side Down?

A recent poll in Superbike magazine asked the question, "How many times have you crashed/been knocked off in the past three years?" The results of the poll, at the time I saw...

Hands Off My Clunker!

I'll be keeping my "clunker" - a 1998 Nissan Frontier with about 120,000 miles on it - until the proverbial wheels finally fall off it (or more likely, the frame finally...

2011 Acura ZDX

Cars aren't always an entirely rational purchase. If they were, no one would buy a machine like the Acura ZDX. It's pretty big outside - but fairly small inside, with hard...

Speed Limits Back to Where They Were in 1970!

In the Department of Good News: Virginia and several other states are in the process of legalizing higher speed limits. VA's Governor, Bob McDonnell, signed a new law raising the max to...

Which Matters More: Reputation or Warranty Coverage?

Two of the factors most people consider when shopping for a new car are its overall reputation for quality and reliability (as well as that of the company which built it)...

Woman Arrested for NOT Wanting To Drive Drunk

A woman in England was recently arrested for sleeping in her car. Then she was arrested for not wanting to take an alcohol breath test. Do you think that there’s a good possibility...

2011 Land Rover LR4

Before there were "SUVs" there were Land Rovers - the four-wheel-drives of the country gentry. The only thing American-made that was even close was the old Jeep Wagoneer. Then came the SUV boom...
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