
No El Camino. . .

Well, the circle is complete. Silverbell - my '02 Nissan Frontier - is mine again. I've bought her twice. Once from a dealership in West Virginia. . . and now again,...

2011 Acura ZDX

Cars aren't always an entirely rational purchase. If they were, no one would buy a machine like the Acura ZDX. It's pretty big outside - but fairly small inside, with hard...

Embracing Disposability

Americans who lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s - which lasted into the 1940s - learned through hard necessity about the value of frugality. About not wasting money on...

With a Clothespin Affixed to My Nose…

I just voted - not for anything, but against everything the political Left is determined to impose on everyone. From forcing everyone to tithe to the insurance mafia (or the government,...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 05/10/2024

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon. We talked about the "Hybrid Boom" and some other things, too! . ....

Portrait of a Clover …

Here's a video taken under cover of a federal "worker" named Stuart Karaffa describing his activities on the job (State Department) which means on the taxpayers' dime working for the Democratic...

FRED Says . . .

Imagine a red light that never goes green - unless you obey. The speed limit. Whatever it is. And sends you a ticket via mail if you don't. Say hello to FRED - feu...

Subsidy Junkies

The problem with getting hooked on something - whether it's booze, or subsidies - is that it's hard to quit once you are. Just ask the car industry. It has become dependent on...

It’s All Lance Armstrong’s Fault…

There is an outfit called "Critical Mass" that seems determined to make motorists hate cyclists even more than many already do - if such a thing is possible. Like Mothers Against Drunk...

Why More EVs Will Mean Fewer Cars (and Less Mobility)

Here's a rant about why EVs will inevitably reduce the number of makes/models on the market - just as they will reduce mobility: . . . Got a question about cars - or...
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