
$50,000 for a Passat?

If you had any doubt that the car - any car - is fast becoming a luxury item, consider the pending battery-powered replacement for the VW Passat, which was (it's already...

Uber Hacked

Don't you just love living in a "connected" world? Hackers stole the personal data of 57 million customers and drivers from Uber Technologies Inc., a massive breach that the company concealed for...


Eric, I have not seen it before so it just occurred to me. Obama is Clover in Chief! Didn't know where else to say it, so there it is! Seeya! Jay

2011 Dodge Nitro

The Dodge Nitro isn't a favorite of car journalists. Google reviews of this chunky little SUV and you'll see it gets slammed a lot. It has a silly name (ok, fair enough)....

Reader Question: Buick Tour X?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Larry asks: I have been somewhat impressed by the Buick Tour X that has been on the market for a couple of years....

A Wallet Shield Would be Better . . .

Fear is more than just the mind killer - to crib a line from Frank Herbert's Dune books. It is also arguably one of the main reasons why so many people...

Drunk Driving “Hero” Applies for The Blue Discount

By now, everyone on the Internets has obviously seen the infamous viral video of Lt. Brian Filipiak from the Washtenaw County (MI) Sheriff’s Office being stopped for driving drunk. (If you...

Looking for a Jump Box Stocking Stuffer?

Every once in awhile I get sent a gadget to try out and tell people about. Here's the latest - a 3000 amp lithium-ion jump box made by Fantikk that -...

OJ is Free – But Audi Executive is in a Cage

A barometer of the insanity of our times is that you'll be hounded to the gates of Hell for "cheating" the government but if you kill someone it is No Big Deal. Especially...

Reader Question: Aftermarket Parts Sources?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Brandon asks: I love listening in when you've been a guest on the Tom Woods Show. Just wondered if you you could recommend...
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