
Reader Question: Digital Narcissists?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Perry writes: Hey Eric - fellow driving enthusiast here... read all your stories every single day. We've also cross-posted a few too (with...

Air Bag Omelettes . . . and Eggs

Air bags - those government-mandated "safety" devices force-built into every new car made since the late 1990s - have killed again. ARC Automotive - "pioneering safety since 1948" - says it "can't...

The Syclone That Came . . . and Went!

How many appealing vehicles can you name that were only sold for one year? Even the Edsel lasted three. Here's one that came - and went - as fast as it went: the...

Dead Pool II

I keep reading stories about how healthy the car industry is. If that's true, how come so many car brands have croaked recently? Since '08 at least seven have gone wheels...

The Jeep We Can Buy But Can’t Drive . . .

I’ve written before about low-cost, simple vehicles the car companies aren't allowed to sell here because they don’t conform to the various edicts issued by the federal government regarding emissions (defensible, within...

Video Rant: Dangerous “Safety” Features

Arguably, "safety" features that encourage inattentive, careless driving are not very "safe." They're also dangerous in another way...   . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the...

Molesting “Hero” Gets Rid of Himself

Tishomingo, MS Police Officer Russ Robinson was found dead in his home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on March 24 after admitting to authorities he had molested minors. The Alcorn County Sheriff’s Department,...

Reader Question: Two Stroke Issues?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Chris asks: I really enjoyed your article on the old two-strokes and it reignited my desire to have one (I almost had one...
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