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Have Bike Will Travel

If you were to distill mechanized transportation down to its core essentials, you'd end up with something like the dirt bike - or its road-legal cousin, the dual-sport. Both are essentially...

Insurance Incongruity

Having to buy car insurance - motorcycle insurance, in the case at hand - is bad enough. No one ought to be forced to buy anything. The fact that you get...

Mad Max on Two Wheels

I am often asked what I think is the best kind of car to own if things get really bad. I think the best answer is a motorcycle. In the first place,...

Anecdotal but Interesting

To use - or not to use - synthetic oil in engines made decades before synthetic oils were in common use . . . that's the question! And there are several answers. I...

They’re Coming for Bikes Next . . .

Most people who ride motorcycles do it because they want to. A motorcycle is - usually - not the primary instrument of transportation. It is what the rider uses when he...

A Casualty of Revenue Collecting

They say "speed kills." Here is a case-in-point. A cop driving at very high speed struck and killed a motorcycle rider who had the bad luck to be in the wrong place...

Helmet Laws

If you ride a motorcycle, "the law" - that is to say, busybody people who write themĀ  - probably requires that you wear a helmet when you ride. If you don't,...

Motorcycle Clovers

Regular readers of this column already know what a Clover is. It is someone who - among other things - refuses to move over to let traffic get by and go...

My Bike is Like an EV

I was out riding my motorcycle the other day and it occurred to me - as I glanced at the odometer, which you do out of habit if you have a...

Sorry, it Isn’t . . .

It's important to be clear about what we're talking about - whether it's men and women or motorcycles and scooters. The other day I read a review of an electric scooter that...
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