
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Computer Hassles/Update

I wanted to let everyone know where things stand with the problems we've been having with the EPautos Forum - and the "ask Eric" button at the end of every article,...

Forum, Ask Eric & Other Updates

It is not looking good for the EPautos Forum pages, which have been down for about a month now. My log in and password no longer work and Vbulletin has been...

July’s Six Pack of Oil Winner!

The winner of July's six quarts of AMSOIl is Jeremy, for the capital post he submitted just a few days ago. This one stood out among a sea of superlative others...

A Heathen Reports

A regular here sent in what follows below, which I publish in its entirety on account of its powerful indictment of what is styled "The Science" - using facts and rational...

Reader Question: Buying Used Right Now?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Boone asks: Do you have thoughts on buying for seven passengers in this wildly inflated used market? My reply: If you need a seven...

Reader Question: Bug Out Ute II?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tim asks: Thank you for your quick and illuminating response to my earlier question. I am going back to measure my garage to...

Reader Question: Bug Out Ute?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tim asks: My wife and I are planning to buy a large used SUV that needs to satisfy the following criteria: 1. We...

By Request…

Several asked for some Hellcat Redeye sounds and sensations so - without further ado - here you go!

Reader Question: Gas Generator vs. Electric?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Glenn asks: I watched a Wranglerstar episode on a comparison between a gas generator (Honda), and the new power pack battery, (Ecoflow Delta)....

Forum (Hopeless) Update

As some of you know, the EP Autos Forum has been offline for a few weeks now. It may be offline permanently - because (apparently) my computer guy cannot access the...
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