
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Today’s Clover: The “Virtue” Signaler

Here's today's Clover - doing 33-ish in a 55  - growing a tail behind him and refusing to move over onto the shoulder to let anyone get by. It's interesting that in...

Reader Rant: On the Cost of Octane!

Here's the latest reader rant, along with my reply! Steve writes: I have interesting insight I thought you might enjoy.  I am in the oil & gas exploration business in Oklahoma. At...

Today’s Clover – the Prius HyperMiler!

Here's today's Clover - the slow-moving, never yielding hypermiler! It's the never-yielding part that makes this guy a Clover - not his slow-motion driving. . . . Got a question about cars -...

AGWs Earning the Hate

Here's video out of Nashville, TN of a pair of very smug and Tacticooled AGWs on motorcycles making sure every jot and tittle of The Law is enforced upon a woman...

Reader Question: Three-Row Recommendations?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Mitchell asks: I'm looking for an affordable three row vehicle. Used or new. I have a 2014 Lexus ES350 with 37,000 miles in...

Complaint-Blocking AGW

Here's undercover video taken of intimidation tactics demonstrated by a Texas AGW when asked by a citizen (the undercover reporter) how to file a complaint about AGW actions. The AGW is immediately...

AZ AGW Agonizer Update

Here's video taken by an intrepid journalist - a rare bird these days - with a local ABC affiliate, confronting the haughty Glendale, AZ AGW in charge of the "investigation" of...

Video Rant: How to Avoid ASS

ASS - Automated Stop/Start - is becoming almost impossible to avoid in new cars . . .  emphasis on almost. One way to avoid it - even in cars that otherwise have...

Magnets Here!

Just a quick note to let you know the batch of new EPautos magnets I ordered arrived yesterday - which means they'll be going out tomorrow and should be in your...

Video Rant: Now Might be a Good Time to Buy Used

Here's a quick rant about some things going on in the used car market  - and why now might be a good time to start looking for a used car... . ....
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