
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Reader Question: The Water-Powered Car?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Maria asks: Whatever happened to the water-powered car? My reply: I'm not sure exactly which water-powered car you're referring to here. If you mean...

Latest Radio: Blast off With Johnny Rocket

Here's a long interview - more than an hour - I did a couple weeks back with Johny Rocket, whom some of you may already be familiar with. We talked about...

AGW Caught Taking Pervy Vids

Here's breaking news about an AGW who got caught taking creepy bathroom/dressing room videos. Naturally, he was a "sexual predator" investigator. It pays to know your material, apparently.

Elon’s Tweets May Cost Him Money

The Securities and Exchange Commission sued Tesla's CEO on Thursday for making "false and misleading" statements to investors. It's asking a federal judge to prevent Musk from serving as an officer or a...

Latest Reader Question: Water in Diesel?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Vernon asks: My 2004 VW Jetta diesel stalled when water in the fuel reached the engine. What is the best procedure for removing the...

Neidermeyer’s New Job as an AGW

Some of you may remember the Animal House - a movie about college in the '60s that was made in the '70s. It's funny as hell and also interesting to watch...

A Pair of Hut! Hut! Hutters!

Here's a video taken by a freelance reporter who encountered a pair of AGWs in a shopping mall. Our man was apparently there as a freelance reporter, to get video of...

Reader Question: The Mafia

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Erik asks: I have read about a half a dozen of your posts regarding the insurance mafia. Agreed. But which mafioso bag man...

Tacticooled AGW Loses His Job

Here's a follow-up video to the one posted a few weeks back, which showed several Tacticooled armed government workers Hut! Hut! Hutting! a guy working on his own car outside of...

AGWs Stalk Guy in RV

Here's video taken by a guy legally parked in his RV. Armed government workers appear and begin to demand ID and ask pushy questions (all questions posed by armed men are...
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